Sunday 6 January 2013

Masterful Critic Of Islam; Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders. Islamic critic, sentenced to a life of secrecy and hiding in own country because of Islamic Radicals!


Who is this seemingly normal member of Dutch parliament? Geert Wilders is an outspoken critic of Islam and it's theology and ideology.

Geert Wilders is a prominent far Right politician in Europe. The Dutch politician is also the parliamentary leader of his political party in the Netherlands.

During Mr Wilders youth, he traveled and lived in Israel and other Arab nations helped form his strong political views. During his time in the Arab nations he visited, he was moved by the lack of democratic systems of governance in the regions.
When Mr Wilders returned to his home country, he felt he shared a special solidarity for Israel and their counter-terrorism ideology.

Mr Wilders political past is extensive. In 1997, he was elected to serve in the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), in the municipal council of Utrecht. During his time as city councilor, he was mugged in the very neighbour hood he lived in. Many also speculate this was the turning point in his political mindset. In 1998 he was elected to the Netherlands National Parliament, during his first four years, he drew very little attention to himself. 2002 saw Mr Wilders appointed as the public spokesman for the VVD. He began to draw immense attention to himself for his outspoken criticism of Islam in the public spotlight. Because of the attention he drew, tensions in the part began to grow until he was expelled.
He left the VVD, having been a member since 1989. During this time, he formed his own political party, the Party for Freedom. This began in 2006 and is still operational today.

Mr Wilders has lived a varied life, from being in the public spotlight almost always, to now being flanked by his body guards because of the death threats from Islamic radicals. In 2004, Dutch police arrested two men after an hour long siege. The men had been found with hand grenades and had threatened to end Mr Wilder's life. Mr Wilder and Ms Ayaan Hirsi Ali were the two targets of the alleged assassins, both targets are public critics of Islam.
Since these events, Mr Wilders is under protection of Dutch security agents, tasked with protecting the politician.

Mr Wilders is an icon in the Far Right Movement in the Netherlands and for the entire Far Right Movement in Europe.
Mr Wilders is also expected to visit Australia in early February to speak about Islam. He is visiting Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. If you are interested in attending, check out the Q Society of Australia. I am in no way affiliated with them.

I thank you once more for reading my blog and for becoming even more prepared educationally against Islamization of our countries. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and I look forward to providing you with more updates and blogs this year!

-Brodie Varra