Wednesday 19 December 2012

Eurabia - Islam Taking Over Europe! Our Europe!!

Eurabia is a conspiracy theory brought up by the increasing Muslim youth numbers in Europe. The Eurabia concept was first coined around the early 2000's by Gisele Littman or known as Bat Ye'or, her pseudonym. The Eurabia conspiracy is widely dismissed by leading academics.

The Eurabia concept emerged as a newsline header in the Comité européen de coordination des associations d'amitié avec le monde Arabe, a Euro-Arab friendship committee, in 1970. Popularity of the term Eurabia conspiracy was thrown back into the minds of many after the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City by Islamic terrorists.

The Eurabia conspiracy is deemed Islamaphobic and extremist according to many academics. But this has since changed. On the 22nd of July, 2011, lone Norwegian right-wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik detonated a car bomb packed with almost a tonne of explosive material before heading to a Youth wing Labour party annual camp and massacring 69 people. This was the worst peacetime massacre since the end of WWII.

In closing, the Eurabia conspiracy is popular among the extreme far right of Europe. Europe is in a battle once more, not against Nazi Germany, but against a religion that threatens to over populate and decimate the European heritage. Unless Islam can be stopped, Europe will become, Eurabia with in a matter of decades. Right now, native Europeans are losing, together they must band together, and defeat the Islamic threat.

Brodie Varra,

Sunday 16 December 2012

Christian Belief's

The Christian religion. The largest ever seen. One of the oldest. Mystery and secrecy around every corner of the ancient institution.
This page is devoted to inform you, my readers, a little knowledge of the Christian religion.

How did we get here according to the Holy Bible. 2 people, Adam and Eve. So from that little bit of information there, why aren't we some inbred freak shows with 5 heads and 15 toes?

The basis of the Christian religion is based around the Holy Bible, much like Islam with their Quran. 

The son of God, our savior. God, with all of his love gave us his son, Jesus. According to the bible, Jesus was born to a pure virgin. Now, my understanding of biology would make this almost impossible! IVF was certainly not around at the time of Jesus's birth.

But lets get back on track shall we.

The three largest Christian followings are as follows, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestantism.

Christians live by a set of commandments, 10 exist in their bible.

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Respect your father and mother.
  6. You must not kill.
  7. You must not commit adultery.
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.

Those commandments are almost like their code of honour. How they respect and show devotion to their God.

This is the end of the Christianity page. This page aimed to assist you with some general knowledge of the Christian belief system.
The next page is on a rather gruesome time in history. THE CRUSADES!

Best Wishes,

Brodie Varra


Islamic Belief's

Islam, the second most followed religion on this planet. It is also the largest growing community of believers. But what is Islam? How does it affect us? Where did it originate?
Well, the answers you seek are to follow. In this post, I will explain Islam, it's belief system and it's interactions with the global community.

Islam is a belief system that believes in a higher entity. Allah as his followers refer to him by, their one and only true God.
Islam in some aspects is very much like Christianity, both have ancient writings from past centuries all contained in one book. Those books called either the Holy Bible (Christianity) or the Qur'an (Islam).

It is naive to think all Muslims are the same, you have either Sunni followers or Shia followers. The Sunni branch of followers is the largest by far. Sunni Islam is refereed to by many as the orthodox version of the religion.

Sunni Islam has six articles of faith known as the six pillars of iman that all Sunni Muslims are united upon in belief;
Reality of one God
Existence of angels of God
Authority of the books of God
Following the prophets of God
Preparation for and belief in the Day of Judgment
Supremacy of God’s will, i.e. belief in predestination good or bad is from God along. 
On the other hand, you have the second largest following of Islam, Shia. Like Sunni Islam, Shia is based on the teachings of the Qur'an. The Shia Muslims believe that Ali, Muhammad's son-in-law is the devine and is rightfully in charge of their religion after the death of Muhammad, Muhammad's successor.

Islam is a religion with a global reach, not just an exclusive Arab only religion. Islam is practiced globally, from Indonesia to Russia and beyond. Islam is quite literally, a religion of a global and very powerful reach. 

There are many conspiracy theories including Islam as a source of their appearance. Eurabia, a very well known conspiracy theory which involves the Leftist European governments allowing mass Islamic immigration into once Christian territory. This is of course due to the weak immigration policies of the European Union.
I will go further into the Eurabia conspiracy further on in my blog, trust me.

For now, I leave you once more. I have given you a basic insight into Islam and it's beliefs. My next post will address the Christian religion. It will be very much like this one in it's layout and set up of paragraphs.
I would like to acknowledge Wikipedia for the information used in this post.
Best wishes,

Brodie Varra


The Basic Run Down of My Blog

Islam, the worlds second biggest religion. Is it what certain members of society make it out to be? Is Islam and the radical components really a threat to the western world?

Is this just a recommencement of a centuries old conflict between Christianity and Islam?

Throughout my blog, you will find references to quotes of famous people, crusaders and the likes which support a belief that Islam is weakening our society and attempting to destroy the very fabric of our society. We as a whole must be educated against this.

I aim to inform the readers (You).

This blog will be structured in a way that I educate the masses by giving information on both religions, the histories, the struggles and the way the followers are bound by their religious duties. I will be using information from the Gates of Vienna (, Wikipedia ( as well as quoting a wide range of  influential politicians and religious leaders alike.

You will also be informed of major events happening around the world, be they either, terror related, natural disasters and political updates from a wide range of countries.

I now leave you, the readers, those who are looking for the truth or those with an un-quenchable desire for knowledge.
I will return with a further blog very shortly, which will be highlighting and giving basic information of both religions. The first entry other than this introduction will be the basic opener explaining the principles of both religions, ideas ect. I will then go further into detail of each religion separately, which in time will begin the foundations to answer that question, 'Is Islam a Threat?'

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

New Page up now!
Check it out! Brodie Varra
